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There’s no business like (flower) showbusiness…

After a few late nights of wading through paperwork and forms-a-plenty, we have now booked our flower shows/plant fairs for 2019. Only having exhibited our Japanese Maples for the last two years, we are still working out which shows suit us well. To that end, in addition to our ‘normal’ flower shows, this year we are excited to be attending some of the renowned plant fairs organised by the Plant Fairs Roadshow.

Floral Fringe Fair

You can see the whole list of our flower shows here.

We’ll be sticking with the black cloth displays as per normal, just as you would see in the floral marquees at at one of the big RHS flower shows like Chelsea or Hampton Court. It may look a little dramatic but there really is nothing better to set off the leaf colour of the Japanese Maples than good old black.

If you are planning to come and see us at one of the shows and would like us to bring a particular maple with us, just let us know and we’ll keep one aside for you. Think of it like Click and Collect but more analogue.