Acer griseum

Paperbark Maple.  A beautiful and hardy tree from China with cinnamon-coloured peeling bark and dark green foliage with a silvery underside.  The autumn colours are eye-popping.

Larger trees:  Please let me know sizes and prices of larger Acer griseum that are available!


SKU: GRISE Category:


What can I say about Acer griseum, the Paperbark Maple?  One of my favourite trees, despite looking nothing like a maple at first glance – the peeling bark is often cited as its outstanding feature but there is little brighter in autumn than the foliage of this delightful tree.  Depending on weather conditions, the colours can vary from orange to fluorescent pink and will often provoke a genuine gasp from the normally casual observer.

The dark green foliage with grey undersides (hence ‘griseum‘) emerge quite late in the season, which means they are never in danger of being damaged by late spring frosts.  It makes a delightful specimen tree in a border or as a standalone feature taking pride of place in the middle of a lawn – (with suitable tree pit around it please😉).  One of the few maples that will happily grow on a chalky soil – although this may diminish the autumn colour somewhat – and a fine old tree can be found at Highdown Gardens in Worthing, West Sussex on just such a substrate.

Keen to learn more about this lovely tree?  Find out more at Trees & Shrubs Online

Additional information



Leaf Shape


Autumn Colour


Propagation Method

From seed

Spring Colour

Pale Green