The Honshu Maple. Native to Japan, Acer rufinerve is a member of the Snakebark group of maples which all have striking bark patterning, generally white-striped on a dark background. It’s a small to medium size tree and prefers a fairly sunny position, although not too hot and dry.
The attractive foliage emerges a fresh green in the spring before darkening for the summer months; the autumn brings a riot of yellows, oranges and reds (depending on its position). For winter interest, not only is there the striped bark but also the previous year’s growth is covered with a whitish bloom that gives the tree a ghostly, ethereal feeling.
Can be pot grown while young and could possibly be coppiced or pollarded to produce larger foliage and more striking stems – haven’t tried this yet though…
All of these trees are grown from UK sourced seed of known provenance.